
Monday, October 3, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Who is to Blame?

Recently I read a blog post written by James Altucher about Occupy Wall Street, basically saying that we are all to blame, too. Judging by the comments, a lot of people were upset: "Yeah, sure, let's blame the hardworking class that didn't do anything wrong," or "You're wrong, because this bill did this and this company invested in that," were the general consensus. It seems like everyone was being way too emotional and taking it personally, or they pointed the blame to someone else other than themselves.

Yes, I realize that there are a lot of extremely rich, yet very greedy people, that are running the country. I don't like it either. Trust me, that is the whole reason why I even started my business and dedicated my life to it, why I even started blogging. But they didn't get there solely by cheating: you gave them money, you fell for their lies, you voted for them, and you let them take our rights away. I'm part of the blame too - I take full responsibility for my life, I don't blame the greedy people for any of my problems, but I'm certainly part of the "lower class". I blame myself for where I am now, but I don't really view it as negative or positive. It just is. Actually, it's a lot better since I took responsibility for it.

Apparently, the Occupy Wall Street movement is already a little misguided. First I hear about protestors supporting Obama, despite him being part of the problem they are protesting. And now Obama supporters are trying to "hijack" the movement. That article brings up a great point: the "real" culprit is the Federal Reserve, not Wall Street. I'll tell you who the real culprit is.

Several months ago, my husband and I bought a used exercise machine for about $400. That is quite a lot of cash. When we moved, we had to leave it behind on the property for a while, and you could see it easily from the street. We know we took the chance that someone would steal it, and someone did. Luckily our neighbors were kind enough to take note of the car and license plate, and we actually found the owners who lived in another part of the neighborhood. Next to their house was a very old exercise machine (they apparently got a new one?) We knocked on the door and an older woman with a wrist brace answered the door, and we explained the situation while not putting forth any malice or blame or anything. We said we just wanted to clear up any misunderstanding. But this woman hid behind her door as soon as we mentioned the exercise machine, and she kept saying she didn't know anything. We were about to call the cops - but we let it go. It's not worth it. They probably needed it more than us. But it showed me that even poor people aren't always the most ethical, even when they have a chance to redeem themselves. So why should we blame ONLY the greedy rich people for our problems when there are greedy poor people who steal from others too?

I find it ironic that I'm trying, REALLY trying to help fix the problem, by giving a choice to consumers, yet there have been no strangers who have supported me by exercising that choice. There have been strangers helping me other ways, which I'm forever grateful for, but there are a lot of people who actually consciously told me they didn't need or want any of it, without even knowing what I had to offer. (I don't mean to put myself on a pedestal, I just wanted to say that I'm trying to make a lasting change) It's like people complaining about having no voice, when they don't even vote or sign petitions or anything. Or complaining that our country isn't doing enough to be "green" when I see or hear about people littering with a Greenpeace sticker on their car (true stories). Our democratic republic isn't a democratic republic if the people aren't involved.

Okay, let's say that the Occupy Wall Street movement gets huge and we put the top 1% people in jail for all the illegal things they did. What then? It's not going to magically fix our problems. We still have greedy people in the next most powerful group, alllll the way down to the poorest of the poor. We will still have a shitload of debt and suffering in the world. What do we do then? Who do we blame now? Obviously - to me - the problem is within ourselves. Ourselves on an individual basis, and on our population as a whole. I'm sorry you may be upset by that, but you need to hear it. I care and that's why I say it.

On a random note, how funny would it be to jail the people who profited from building prisons?

Here is my solution, once again: pay attention to everything you do, say, and think. Remember that every action has a reaction, sometimes far bigger than you may ever realize. Fix or get rid of any habit, thought, person, or thing that bring you down - but from a standpoint of love. Understand and learn about every person, place, idea, or thing that you encounter. Be kind to one another, especially yourselves. Find a balance. This is everything I've learned from all my experiences and listening to others, so please don't think I'm lecturing you or something. In fact, you probably are letting your ego run your life if this makes you upset. Trust me, I've been fighting to control my ego when I didn't know I had one until recently.

 If you haven't seen Kymatica, watch it and expand your consciousness:

Thanks for reading.

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